Mrs Geall's
Aluminium Windows & Solid Roof Extension
There’s nothing like honoring a traditional property with a few upgrades, in keeping with the original style.
We replaced Mrs Geall’s leaking windows with our slimline aluminium windows for a warmer, quieter home.
You may be amazed to know that Mrs Geall’s property doesn’t look all that different to what it looked like in the 1930’s. While we love the character of the traditional home, it wasn’t performing as a modern home should. In more recent years, her leaded windows were difficult to maintain and they were often leaking. That’s when we stepped in to help.

For her replacement windows, Mrs Geall put together a brief of what she was looking for. Achieving maximum natural light was a big part of her brief, so we recommended that she goes with our slimframe aluminium windows. With super slim frames, the glazing is maximised, ensuring plenty of natural light can get into the home. They would also save her a massive amount of her annual maintenance costs as they are low-maintenance and easy to clean.
Mrs Geall loves to paint and she had a vision of converting her existing extension into a studio so she could complete her watercolours in a scenic environment. However, her current extension was not well insulated. We added a solid roof to make it into a much more thermally efficient space. Glazed facets were added to ensure the space is full of natural light too.

The final straw to Mrs Geall’s old windows were how difficult they were to open and close. She was constantly worried that they would fall out! Our slimline aluminium windows have put her mind to rest and she also appreciated the lower heating bills due to the energy-efficient glazing. Her home is also much, much quieter now. A year after fitting the windows, we visited her home as part of our aftercare service. As expected, the windows were performing just as they should! We are sure Mrs Geall will get plenty of use out of them, along with her studio.
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